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Optimum Body Performance: Enhancing Self-Discipline for Weight Management
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Optimum Body Performance: Enhancing Self-Discipline for Weight Management

Written By : Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
Narrator : Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
Publisher : International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd.
1 hour 18 minutes
Type : Alternative Therapies
Diet & Nutrition
Exercise & Healthy Living
Self Help
Personal Growth
Price : $19.95
  "Sometimes we forget to review our habits, leaving them in their original automatic pilot mind files.  This is often true for our multi-faceted eating behaviors.  We often talk to ourselves in old negative ways, programming our mind for what we don't want.  Perhaps our self-discipline has slipped, or was never put in place. This is not the way to go towards your goal.  It's time to wake up & change the recordings."........Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht

Affirmations are self-talk statements & best presented to the subconscious mind below the alpha brain wave state.  These new images are seen as "believable" by the subconscious mind & are placed in the subconscious library volumes having to do with the ability to enhance the ability to utilize specific powerful memories with less effort..   This audio is designed to take the listener to that state & through special imagery to assist in developing the inner tools for high level focus on memories of the motivational  state,  allowing the joining of these memories & transporting the images to the future time-line where they are programmed for enhancing weight management discipline. 

These types of affirmational/suggestions plant new neuronal pathways in the mind, enhancing the ability to "play" these new powerful images.  Old images related to negativism, powerlessness, lack of initiative,  powerlessness, weak goal images & the ability to formulate & work  a goal action plan are diminished.  The listener is able to hear new self-talk statements which the subconscious mind sees as "true."   Areas of the audio program are "Interactive" thereby allowing the listener to make all personalized affirmational suggestions to the subconscious mind.  

Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht.  Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction.  All programs include directions for listening & other important information.

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